Improve Mental Health With Music Therapy, Mumbai-India:
Music therapy in Mumbai, India with a revolutionary twist to treating mental troubles. Music therapy has existed in India since many Yugas.
Music therapy does that for your mind what physical exercise does for your body.
Most people relate music therapy to classical forms of music. However, today, most modern music therapists combine different genres of music to create to music to be used for therapy. This combination depends on your personal music preferences.

Medical research has proved that stress is one of the most common causes of many physical and mental ailments. No one whether a child or an adult is spared by stress.
The struggle to survive, to perform , to achieve and to live up to everyone's expectations leaves you with very little or zero time for yourself. There is no time to pursue hobbies.
You are always on the GO!

According to an article published by India Today, the World Health Organization has stated that there are about 8 lac suicidal deaths in India every year.
Mental well-being has been ignored to such an extent that the article further states that suicide is the 2nd most common reason for death amongst 15-29 year olds.
In India, there is a suicidal death every 40 seconds!
When it comes to health,
we tend to focus only on physical well-being.
Most Victims of Mental Health Problems Are Scared of Seeking Help...
The social taboo that revolves around mental health problems, prevents most victims from talking about their problem.
They fear that they will be judged, isolated & looked down upon by everyone around them.
So, they continue to suffer in silence.

But, storing Problems Within can be Fatal!
Let Music Help You Solve Them...
What is Music Therapy?
Music therapy is the use of music-based exercises to treat troubles of the mind.
Music therapy is an ancient form of healing. The Greeks used music for improving mental abilities. So did healers in ancient Indian civilizations. The traditional Chinese system of medicine has different sounds for the five elements of nature.
Today, music therapy has evolved as a science in itself. Music therapy is used to build self-confidence, treat depression, psychological issues, stress-management & other mental ailments.
Many prestigious hospitals recognize music therapy. They allow the use of music therapy as a complimentary form of treatment. They believe if the patient is in a better frame of mind, the chances of their recovery increase.

Music is the Medicine of a Troubled Mind.
(Walter Haddon)
Why Music Therapy ?
I conduct my music therapy sessions in Mumbai in a non-threatening & homely atmosphere. Online services available .
Music therapy counseling is done on a one-to-one basis.
It does not interfere with any current medication you might be on.
No known cases of a relapse.
No Prior Experience in Music Required.
Proven Faster Results.
No Medication Involved.
Free From Any Side Effects.
Additional Benefits of Music Therapy
Music therapy counseling helps improve focus.
Music makes it easy for you to express yourself.
Boosts your self-confidence.
Music therapy counseling shows you how you can enhance your energy levels and reduce stress.
Shows you how to unlock your true potential.

About: Dr. Roshan Mansukhani (HC),
Music Therapist & Motivational Counselor- Mumbai, India
I used to organize events for a living. For 18 years of my life, I watched people celebrate and enjoy good times with family and friends. But over the years, I saw that people had become overly impatient. They got over-stressed. Relations looked strained. The good times didn't give out that "good vibe" anymore.
Music has always been my passion. And Music Therapy gives me the opportunity to make a difference in someone's life.
On June 26, 2024, it was a great honor for me to receive the "National Counselor Award-2024" for outstanding professional achievement and inspiring social contributions by the Ayush Institute of Addiction Management, a Government of India recognized organization.
In October 2018, my efforts in music therapy won the "Indian Achiever's Award" for outstanding service in business & social service.
My work is recognized by the Mumbai Police Narcotics Department & Oshiwara Police Station. I help out with cases of juvenile addiction & mental health problems.
I've been a guest speaker at the IIT Techfest 2018, Tedx EMWS, 2017, "Lajja" 2018 at Sashmira College, Mumbai etc.

My Approach is Simple...
I help you identify those thought patterns are doing you more harm than good.
With music therapy counseling, you discover how to solve your problems with a calm and focused mind.
You will observe how your confidence levels gradually improve.
Life is Simple... Why Complicate it?
What People Say...
Music Therapy Counseling & Music Therapy Workshop Testimonials
Music Therapy Workshop: Testimonial
"The fact that you can mix different genres of music to create something that was actually very relaxing; made it interesting. You could actually feel the stress leave your body. It was an amazing experience. I would highly recommend it."
- Mr. Jayant Gojer, CEO ASPL -Mumbai, India
Individual Music Therapy :
Depression Treatment Testimonial
"I was a patient of acute depression for 10 years. I tried many different forms of depression treatment. They helped me but not a lot. Before coming for my music therapy sessions, I was on the verge of committing suicide.
I experienced a magical transformation from my very first music therapy session. By the end of my 8th music therapy session, I channelized my scattered energies. What I hadn't done in the last 10 years of my life, I was able to do in 2 months."
- Mrs. Tara Kabra -Mumbai, India
Music Therapy Services Offered: Mumbai, India
Pick a Service.

Music Therapy Counseling
for Individuals
Depression counseling, Drug & Alcohol De-addiction counseling, Anxiety therapy, Geriatric Care, Psychological Counseling, support for ADHD patients, Trauma Counseling.

Corporate Wellness Workshops with Music Therapy
A Workshop on how to use music to manage the ill-effects of abstract stress, build a better work atmosphere & enhance organizational productivity.

Music Therapy Workshops
for Students & Teachers.
Music Therapy workshops that help students choose healthier addictions & cope with the stress of education.
It Is OK If You Are Not OK...
It's alright to not feel at your best all the time...
Give yourself a break to recharge & reboot...

Recovery is possible...
Even the darkest nights end with the sunrise!
PS: Any information you share will not be disclosed without prior permission from you.