Music Therapist & Motivational Counselor in Mumbai, India: Roshan Mansukhani
Best music therapist & counselor in Mumbai, India for depression treatment, alcohol & drug addiction help, geriatric care, anxiety/trauma counseling, anger management.
Music Therapy workshops in Mumbai for corporate, schools & colleges.
Hi! I'm Roshan Mansukhani, a music therapist and motivational counselor in Mumbai, India.
My passion for music and helping people cope with their issues inspired me to create Music- A Holistic Heal.
Some years ago, my teenage daughter came home and told me about her friend's drug addiction problems. I invited him to come and play music with me on my DJ console.
A couple of sessions later, he spoke about his drug problem. He wanted to quit drugs because he realized music gave him the same high as drugs did. On completing 8 sessions of music therapy & counseling, he was drug free.
After 18 years of doing event management, I put everything on the back burner and began my journey as a music therapist.

Over the years, I have treated victims of depression, drug addiction, anger problems, low self-confidence and psychological issues.
My services as a music therapist also extend to autistic children and senior patients requiring geriatric care.
In today's high-paced life each one of us carries a lot of burden in the form of abstract stress. I conduct music therapy workshops for corporates, schools, colleges & social clubs to teach employees and students music-based stress management techniques.
Long-term Engagements:
Recognized by the Mumbai Police Narcotics Department and Oshiwara Police Station. My work involves giving awareness talks, weaning juveniles off substance abuse and treating depression.
In-house counselor for Thadomal Shahani College of Engineering.