The Benefits of Music Therapy
Music therapy makes use of structured music to enable healing. Music speaks with each one of us in a language we understand.
Music therapy does not need you to have any prior experience in playing music.
When used in the right manner, music can be a powerful tool for treatment.
Music therapy is fun, relaxing, and motivating. It has a profound impact on your mind and body.
Studies show that listening to your favorite music enhances your memory and vision. Music can have a very positive effect on many parts of your brain and moods.

Music Brings Your Emotions To Life.
Play your favorite song when you are angry. It's hard to not smile, isn't it?
All the energy that you had from your anger gets transformed into a pleasant state of mind.
Music therapy uses structured music to make you revisit your emotions. Music shows you how you can manage your emotions in a positive way. Music therapists use this technique for depression treatment & anger management therapy.
"It is hard for our moods to not get affected by music."
Music is pure energy and so are our emotions.
Music Enhances Memory
We link events in our lives with music.
Whether it is a wedding, a festival or a funeral, we have songs for every occasion. These songs that were playing on those events become a part of your memories.
Geriatric care patients generally suffer from memory loss and depression.
Music therapists make them visit their fondest memories through music. This exercise has been successful in making them want to live and get better.

Music Makes Physical Pain Bearable.
Music is Medicine.

Music therapy provides a diversion to patients suffering from serious illnesses. Music makes their pain bearable. It gives them hope and strength to face their adverse situation. This aids in recovery.
Music therapy does not interfere with their treatment and works as complimentary medication.
Learning is Easy and Fun with Music.
Music increases focus, enhances creativity.
As kids, we associated what we learned, with music. How many of us still remember "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and the "ABC" tune? How can we forget...
It is not only kids with autism or special needs but also normal children who learn much better with music. A school teacher uses music beats to teach kids maths.
Music therapy energizes both the hemispheres of the brain. It makes learning more fun and takes the stress off education.

Music Therapy Increases Self-Confidence.

Music therapy helps you know yourself better. Through music, you understand where your strengths lie. Once you know your strengths and weaknesses, it becomes easy for you to build on your strengths.
Music strengthens your beliefs and gives your self-esteem a boost.
Music gives you the energy and courage to face difficult situations in life. You always have music by your side. So, you don't need to feel alone.
Music Therapy in Mumbai, India
At Music -A Holistic Heal, I use a DJ console for music therapy counseling.
A DJ console can be used to play so many different genres of music and caters to different music tastes. Hence, caters to different individuals.
When at first, my patients see the console, they are intrigued. The excitement takes most of their problems away. Music therapy works faster than traditional therapy because music makes it very easy for you to express yourself.
Music therapy sessions are designed based on your needs as an individual. So, each person's experience with music therapy is unique to them.

Music Therapy
Improves visual & verbal skills
Keeps an aging brain healthy
Music Makes You Happier
Heartbeat, Pulse Rate & Blood Pressure
Improves Sleep Quality
Boosts Your Immune System & Reduces Pain
Reduces Depression & Anxiety